


What is rhinoplasty?

Commonly known as a “nose-job”, rhinoplasty is a surgical technique used to reshape the contour of the nose and correct structural abnormalities that cause impaired breathing.

Rhinoplasty can make the nose more in proportion to the rest of the face, remove bumps, decrease nostril size, adjust bridge width, and create a natural, balanced look to the face.

What to expect?

During a thorough consultation, your physician will perform a physical exam, take a full medical history, ask you about medications you may be taking and any conditions you currently have, take photographs, and discuss your expectations for the surgery. In addition, you may ask your physician any questions and discuss concerns you may have about rhinoplasty at this time. Together, you will develop a treatment plan that’s tailored to your individual needs and desires.

Your surgery can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best choice for you.

There are two basic types of rhinoplasty. Your doctor will determine which type of surgery is best for you.

They are:

  • Closed procedure– In a closed rhinoplasty procedure, the incisions are made inside of the nostrils.
  • Open procedure– In an open rhinoplasty procedure, the incisions are made across the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils, called the columella.

The reshaping of the nose happens through these small incisions. In some cases, some bone or cartilage will be removed and in others, cartilage grafts may be necessary, depending on the size of your presurgical nose and the desired look you want to achieve.

Any structural abnormalities may also be corrected, such as a deviated septum, to improve breathing.

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Risks from rhinoplasty are minimal and include those associated with any surgery, such as infection, excessive bleeding and anesthesia risks. In addition, risks for rhinoplasty include:

  • Swelling
  • Nasal septal perforation (very rare)
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose


After your surgery, a splint will be placed on your nose to support and protect the new structures and promote healing. In some cases, gauze packing may be inserted into the nostrils.

You will need to keep your head elevated for a few days after surgery. Most of the swelling and bruising subsides within a few weeks, but the final look of the new nose will not settle until about a year after surgery.

While everyone’s recovery is different, you can expect to wear the splint for one week and gauze packing for two to seven days. You will need to take it easy until your surgeon tells you it’s OK to resume normal activity, usually after a few weeks.

What is piezo surgery?

The Piezo, an ultrasonic bone cutter or shaper, is actually a controlled bone cutting or breaking method. In the classical method used since the years when modern nose aesthetics was first described, uncontrolled fractures and breakage occurred while the bone was broken with a chisel and hammer. Surgeons tried to avoid this with alternative methods, some surgeons started to break or shave bones with more delicate instruments. At this stage, in parallel with the technological developments, piezo, that is, the ultrasonic bone cutter was developed. Nose aesthetics that use this tool to shape bone is called Piezo Surgery, Ultrasonic Nose Aesthetics.

Who can have piezo surgery and what are the advantages?

With Piezo, the ultrasonic bone cutter or shaper, we can cut the bone in a controlled way from the points we want, as if we are drawing with a pencil-like tip attached to the main device, and shape the bone as if sculpting. Although it can be used for all patients, it is especially advantageous for large or wide noses. Since there are no uncontrolled fractures of the bone, we can avoid unwanted consequences that will cause problems for us in the long term. Also, since the work is carried out under the bone membrane and this tool only cuts the bone tissue, less bruising and swelling will occur.

Frequently asked questions

You should see long lasting changes after your surgery. Natural aging and nature could have an impact. For any questions, it’s always best to connect with your doctor.

Stitches inside the nose dissolve so they do not need to be removed. If you have stitches on the outside of the nose, they are removed within seven days. The exact amount of time depends on the extent of the procedure.

Revision, or secondary, rhinoplasty corrects deformities caused by a previous operation on the nose. It is a more difficult procedure to perform than primary rhinoplasty because there is less cartilage to work with and there may be scarring or tissue contracture. When performed by a highly skilled plastic surgeon, however, a revision rhinoplasty can improve both the appearance and the function of the nose.

Unfortunately, one of the patient groups that we fail to get the desired result in nose aesthetics are patients with thick skin. We do rhinoplasty on the skeleton of the nose, that is the bone and cartilage. No matter how much thin the bone, how much we minimize it, the veil that covers it is of great importance. I always give the following example: imagine that a frame has been established and covered with a sheet, all the lines of the frame will be outlined. However, if that skeleton is covered with a thick duvet no outline will be visible. Of course, patients with thick skin should not bee too pessimistic, we have some illusion techniques to solve this, and we try to achieve the best possible result with these techniques as long as we keep our expectations realistic.


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